Dec 20, 2020 | smather | 420 views
Coaches Christmas Challenge
Hey fellas with all this time on your hands over the next two weeks I've created the 2020 Christmas Coaches Challenge of 20's. The following should be completed six times over the Christmas break. Put down those controllers for a few minutes and make yourself better with the following sequence:
20 Medicine ball ground to skies
20 squat jumps
20 Medicine ball shoulder press
1 minute of planking
20 Medicine ball reverse lunges (10 each leg)
20 Medicine ball front raises
20 Medicine ball squats
1 minute of planking
20 Medicine ball front lunges (10 each leg)
20 Medicine ball shoulder press
20 squat jumps
1 minute of planking
20 burpess
20 pushups
For forwards and Dmen
20 wristers low blocker from the slot
20 wristers high glove from the slot
20 in tight backhanders top cheddar
20 in tight toe drag forehand bardownskis
20 backhanders from the slot
20 wristers from the slot low blocker on one leg (10 each leg)
For Goalies
20 wristers from the slot
20 wall balls glove side (tennis or racquet ball)
20 wall balls blocker side
20 knee jumps (do 4 sets of 5 reps)