Dec 17, 2020 | smather | 440 views
Rosters for Sunday
Listed below are the rosters for our game against the U11's Sunday at noon in Blenheim and Sunday at 3pm at Memorial.
Sunday at noon in Blenheim:
G- Ryder Brown
D- Cullen Abbott
D- Tiago Rolo
D- Landen Hill
D- Emmett Mather
F- Brighton Anderson
F- Colin Stevenson
F- Will Redford
F- Travis Decook
F- Jacob Corneil
F- Paxton Mather
Sunday at 3pm at Memorial
G- Rowen Verbeek
D- Cullen Abbott
D- Tiago Rolo
D- Landen Hill
D- Emmett Mather
F- Rance Soney
F- Camden Arnold
F- Landon Currie
F- Brighton Anderson
F- Colin Stevenson
F- Will Redford