Apr 24, 2015 | lstonehouse | 1731 views
Updated Roster for April 24th
I would like to thank each player for participating in the tryout process to this point. Your hard work and determination has been excellent. As we near the conclusion of this process decisions are growing more and more difficult to reach. Below is the list of players invited to continue with the tryout process. Those highlighted in yellow are scheduled to participate in tomorrow's exhibition game in Stratford at 1pm. The lineup for Sunday's game in Komoka will be posted tomorrow by 6pm.
J. Hazzard
E. Reeve
T. Law
E. Sawyer
W. Everett
R. Steen
A. Stonehouse
G. Stonefish
J. Ewald
L. Ahrens
J. Woodrow
G. Meriano
D. Kroesbergen
L. Chickowski
J. Mackinnon
L. Laprise
A. Edwards
J. Martin
G. Taylor
C. Labadie
O. Campbell
B. Sands
V. Hunter
For those players not continuing the process I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming season. I will be in touch as next season draws closer with AP opportunities to aid in your development.