Apr 20, 2015 | lstonehouse | 1611 views
Updated Roster for April 20, 2015
I would like to thank each player for their hard work that they continue to display in the tryout process. Competition has been great and is making for difficult decisions to fill roster spots. The players listed below are invited to continue with the tryout process. Those in yellow will participate in tomorrow's game in Blenheim and should be at the arena no later than 5:30. There will be an updated roster posted by 8pm on Wednesday night for Thursday's game.
V. Hunter
G. Taylor
D. Buenen
E. Reeve
T. Law
A. Edwards
R. Steen
P. Anderson
Q. Pickering
B. Sands
L. Laprise
C. Labadie
O. Campbell
G. Nappi
J. Woodrow
W. Everett
G. Meriano
J. Hazzard
J. Mackinnon
J. Ewald
G. Stonefish
A. Stonehouse
L. Chickowski
J. Martin
For those players not continuing with the tryout process, I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming season. Continue to work hard, have fun and compete each time you are on the ice. I will be in touch if there are AP opportunities once the final roster has been determined.