Mar 26, 2012 | minorbantam | 2335 views
One Step closer in the Process
Winning is a process, not an event. It is a process of practice, determination, desire, heart and teamwork. This year the Minor Bantam Cyclones took one more step forward in the process as they finished the year Alliance Playdown Finalist.
Often as parents, coaches and fans we become so focused on the end result of winning we lose site of the process in which it takes to become a champion. I am honored to be part of a group of parents, coaches and kids that focused on the process, and all 16 kids where champions before they started the year, they just may have not realized it yet. A good friend once told me give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for life. Thank you to the coaches for taking the time to teach and understanding we all learn a bit different - your process yielded an excellent result.
Congratulations to the Elgin Middlesex Chiefs who where crowned Alliance champions. Another great series as all games were won by one goal with the exception of an empty netter in the last game.
Enjoy the summer, we will be back next year as we take one more step in the process.