Apr 24, 2016 | lstonehouse | 5052 views
2016-2017 Major Atom Final Roster
I would like to thank all participants for their hard work and commitment to this year's tryout process. I would like to congratulate and welcome the following players to the 2016-2017 Major Atom Chatham-Kent Cyclones:
O. Campbell
A. Edwards
W. Everett
J. Ewald
J. Hazzard
C. Labadie
T. Law
J. Martin
C. McCluskey
G. Meriano
G. Nappi
E. Reeve
E. Sawyer
L. Stanat
A. Stonehouse
J. Stubgen
J. Woodrow
We will have a players/parent meeting on Tuesday, April 26th at 6:30pm at Thompsons Limited. Address is 2 Hyland Drive, Blenheim, ON (right across from Canadian Tire, back entrance).
To those players released, I thank you for your efforts and wish you nothing but success in your coming season.
Best regards,