Feb 15, 2016 | lstonehouse | 865 views
Game 2 vs London
A sudden local London storm caused Saturday's game 2 at home in Ridgetown to be cancelled as some were already on their way to the rink. The Cyclones home game was rescheduled in Bothwell on Family day which meant the actual game 2 was back in London Sunday night. Back to back home games for London.
The Cyclones made few mistakes and followed the game plan perfectly holding a tie 2-2 with only 5 minutes remaining. But a short handed goal and another Power Play goal to follow, the game ended in a loss 4-2.
Cyclone scoring provided by: Cameron Graham unassisted and Colin Holmes from Cameron Graham.
The Cyclones must now win Monday night to bring game 4 home again Friday night in Wheatley.