Apr 19, 2015 | Jack Brown | 3619 views
Lambton Jr. Sting Exhibition Game Roster
All players are asked to continue with the 05' Major Atom Cyclones tryout process. The following players are required to dress in our exhibition game vs. the Lambton Jr. Sting 7:00pm Monday at the RBC Centre:
MacLean Norris
Ryan Cronheimer
Brenden McKay
Aiden Wheeler
Ryan Holly
Matt Thomas
David Brown
Brayden Degelas
Declan Waddick
Colton Graham
Rorey Elson
Andrew Goulet
Aiden Rigby
Sam Warriner
Harrison Oickle
Tyler Harper
Maddux Stewart
All players are asked to be at the arena 45 minutes prior to game time. Roster updates will be made after the Lambton Game.
Thank You
05' Cyclone Coaching Staff