Apr 18, 2015 | Jack Brown | 3253 views
Major Atom Roster Update
The 05' Major Atom Cyclones ask the following players to continue on in the tryout process:
MacLean Norris *
Ryan Cronheimer
Brenden McKay *
Jaxon Aubertin *
Aiden Wheeler
Cam Wellington *
Ryan Holly *
Matt Thomas
David Brown *
Brayden Degelas *
Declan Waddick *
Colton Graham *
Rorey Elson *
Andrew Goulet *
Aiden Rigby *
Sam Warriner *
Harrison Oickle *
Jake VacCoillie *
Tyler Harper
Maddux Stewart *
All players with an asterisk beside their name are expected to dress for the 3:30pm game Sunday vs. Elgin Middlesex Chiefs at the Blenheim Arena.
For those players not chosen to continue with the tryout proces we thank you for your hard work this week and we wish you the best of luck in your future hockey endevours.